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Keynotes & General Sessions

Deep Dives

Discover our "Deep Dives" breakout sessions, where you can explore specific topics in greater depth. Each session is designed to provide practicial insights, foster engaging discussions, and offer valuable takeaways for personal and spiritual growth. Join us for these immersive experiences to deepen your understanding and enrich your Purpose Conference journey!


Brodie Wise

Staying Grounded - Keeping Faith in the Workplace

This discussion begins by addressing the challenges and opportunities individuals face while upholding their faith in the workplace. It delves into strategies for balancing professionalism with the expression of faith. Practical tips for integrating faith into daily work routines will be shared, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness, prayer, and reflection. 

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Sam Chamelin

Praying When You Don't Have the Words

In prayer, your unique and personal connection with God is celebrated, as it is unlike any other. Start by recognizing the power of silence, where profound connections with God can flourish, even in the absence of words. Delve into shared experiences, exploring the challenges of expressing oneself in prayer, especially when navigating life's uncertainties and complexities that can render thoughts and emotions difficult to articulate.


Phil Cook

Community of Faith

Discuss the importance of connecting with like-minded Christians who share your faith values. Explore how these connections provide strength during life's challenges and encourage deep understanding. Emphasize the value of inclusive and diverse Christian communities, and share practical tips for actively building these connections through local churches and small groups.


Fr. Phil Hurley

The Head and The Heart Connection

This workshop revolves around the idea of having a genuine and heartfelt relationship with God, moving beyond mere intellectual knowledge and understanding. Drawing from the wisdom of the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola, it will cover some basics of building an intentional and regular spiritual life, opening our minds and hearts to encounter the Heart of Jesus.


Danielle Marsh

Redefining Past Narratives & Finding Your Identity

This workshop centers on Romans 8:28, “All things work for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” It will emphasize the significance of reflecting on one's past experiences and choices in shaping their faith journey and identity. It will dive into the role of faith communities in providing support, encouragement, and accountability for individuals seeking to redefine their identity and embrace continuous spiritual growth.

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Kyle Savick

Pursuing God Together

Participate in a transformative workshop focused on prioritizing God in relationships, welcoming both individuals and couples. Strengthen the bond between partners through communication, vulnerability, and shared spiritual exploration, including prayer and value discussions. Gain practical insights and inspiration from a couple who have successfully integrated spirituality into their relationship, experiencing the challenges and rewards of this journey.


Trish Thomas

Surrendering Your Anxieties to God

Acknowledge anxiety as a common human experience and its impact. Explore the concept of surrender within faith, involving releasing control and trusting in God. Discuss spiritual practices like prayer and meditation to surrender anxiety, and dive into the importance of scripture. Emphasize the importance of seeking professional help when needed and how faith complements mental health practices in a holistic approach to well-being.

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John Wilkinson

How to not screw up your life

When you are in your young 20’s it suddenly becomes apparent that you have to have a plan for your life.  So it becomes a little scary thinking that you have to make all these decisions in the next five to seven years that will affect the rest of your life.  How do you make decisions about your life that you won’t regret when you are 40?  Come to this breakout to get some wisdom on how to navigate these crucial decisions. 


Join us for our tailored meetups—dive into sessions designed specifically for the guys and enriching hangouts crafted just for the girls!


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Sam Chamelin

Praying When You Don't Have the Words

In prayer, your unique and personal connection with God is celebrated, as it is unlike any other. Start by recognizing the power of silence, where profound connections with God can flourish, even in the absence of words. Delve into shared experiences, exploring the challenges of expressing oneself in prayer, especially when navigating life's uncertainties and complexities that can render thoughts and emotions difficult to articulate.


Phil Hurley

The Head and The Heart Connection

This workshop revolves around the idea of having a genuine and heartfelt relationship with God, moving beyond mere intellectual knowledge and understanding. Drawing from the wisdom of the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola, it will cover some basics of building an intentional and regular spiritual life, opening our minds and hearts to encounter the Heart of Jesus.

Meditating on the Beach

Surrendering Your Anxieties to God

Acknowledge anxiety as a common human experience and its impact. Explore the concept of surrender within faith, involving releasing control and trusting in God. Discuss spiritual practices like prayer and meditation to surrender anxiety, and dive into the importance of scripture. Emphasize the importance of seeking professional help when needed and how faith complements mental health practices in a holistic approach to well-being.

Selfie at Home

Brodie Wise

Redefining Past Narratives & Finding Your Identity

This workshop centers on Romans 8:28, “All things work for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” It will emphasize the significance of reflecting on one's past experiences and choices in shaping their faith journey and identity. It will dive into the role of faith communities in providing support, encouragement, and accountability for individuals seeking to redefine their identity and embrace continuous spiritual growth.

College Classroom

Staying Grounded - Keeping Faith in the Workplace

This discussion begins by addressing the challenges and opportunities individuals face while upholding their faith in the workplace. It delves into strategies for balancing professionalism with the expression of faith. Practical tips for integrating faith into daily work routines will be shared, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness, prayer, and reflection. 


Phil Cook

Taking God with You to College

Discuss how to maintain your faith while in college. Explore the challenges posed by peer influence, academic stress, and exposure to diverse perspectives that may affect your spiritual journey. Consider the role of campus faith communities, like campus ministries and religious groups, in building a supportive community that shares your values.

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Matt and Jo Miller

Pursuing God Together

Participate in a transformative workshop focused on prioritizing God in relationships, welcoming both individuals and couples. Strengthen the bond between partners through communication, vulnerability, and shared spiritual exploration, including prayer and value discussions. Gain practical insights and inspiration from a couple who have successfully integrated spirituality into their relationship, experiencing the challenges and rewards of this journey.

Community of Faith

Discuss the importance of connecting with like-minded Christians who share your faith values. Explore how these connections provide strength during life's challenges and encourage deep understanding. Emphasize the value of inclusive and diverse Christian communities, and share practical tips for actively building these connections through local churches and small groups.


Ron Bersterling

Serving Others

Serving others, guided by Christian values, is a vital expression of love and faith. It reflects the teachings of Jesus, who encouraged us to love our neighbors as ourselves. By extending a helping hand, we not only demonstrate Christ-like compassion but also fulfill our Christian duty to care for those in need. As we serve others in the spirit of Christ, we not only bring positive change to their lives but also experience the joy and fulfillment that come from walking in His footsteps, contributing to a more loving and connected Christian community and world.

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